Genprex was added to the Russell 3000® Index after the market closed on Friday, June 26, 2020 as part of the 2020 Russell U.S. Indexes reconstitution.
Company executes on corporate communication strategy and advances drug branding initiatives
Rodney Varner will be participating in a live interview with the “Big Biz Show,” an emmy-award winning nationally syndicated TV and radio show, on Thursday, June 25.
Expansion enables full commercial scale plasmid DNA manufacturing capabilities
Genprex is scheduled to join the U.S. broad-market Russell 3000 Index when FTSE Russell, a leading global index provider, reconstitutes its 2020 indices after the markets close on Friday, June 26.
Mr. Varner will deliver an overview of the Company and provide updates on its product pipeline.
Genprex is supporting The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) and the Cancer Research Institute’s Annual Cancer Immunotherapy Month in June.